The Chamber was formed and registered in New York State as a non-profit organization in 1966. The Association of American Importers of Jamaican Products (AAIJP) was formed and registered in 1981. These two organizations merged in 1988 and today operate under the name of the Jamaican-American Chamber of Commerce, INC. (JACC). PURPOSE
The Jamaican-American Chamber of Commerce is organized:
To foster better mutual understanding and appreciation through trade, commerce, investment, tourism and other means, among individuals, organizations and institutions associated with or interested in Jamaica, and to strengthen and secure the ties of friendship among those interests.
To contribute to an informed business environment and public opinion in the two countries.
To promote business growth and development in the area of Jamaican-American trade, tourism and investments.
To encourage and facilitates the further growth and expansion of all economic activity between Jamaica and the United States. WORK OF THE CHAMBER
Chamber members have also been active in lobbying both the Jamaican and American Governments to ensure that the views of the private sector community are heard. They have also joined forces with Jamaican Organizations, such as the Jamaican Consulate General, which it supported by raising both funds and goods for Jamaican relief effort. Chamber members gave assistance valued at over $1 million for this disaster effort.